Field Trip to Pinesburg
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Field Trip to Pinesburg

This past January, we had the pleasure of hosting members of the U.S. State Department and the Canadian Global Affairs Institute at our Pinesburg solar site in Maryland.Although it was a cold and rainy day, the group was excited to view the modules and observe the single-axis trackers at work. The MEI team also explained to our guests how the sun is harnessed by the modules, as well as how the electricity produced at the site makes its way through the grid to supply power. The MEI team always enjoys an opportunity to visit sites and see our teams hard work firsthand, but this Pinesburg trip was especially exciting for two of our team members, Iwona Guier and Jon Quick, as this was their first solar site visit. "It’s always enjoyable to host folks at our sites as well as having the MEI team members get out of the office for some hands-on experiences. We look forward to more opportunities like this in the future," Christiana Katsoulos, MEI Manager said.To see more on this excursion, please see our LinkedIn post..