Top Reads from March
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Top Reads from March

SEIA Solar Market Insight Report 2020 Year in Review - The quarterly SEIA/Wood Mackenzie Power & Renewables U.S. Solar Market Insight report shows the major trends in the U.S. solar industry. Report assesses the status of RPS goals and prices. The U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has released its annual status report on U.S. renewable portfolio standards (RPS). The report describes recent legislative changes, key policy design features, compliance with interim targets, past and projected impacts on renewables development, and compliance costs. Hold on to your seats. FERC just hit the fast forward button on the clean energy transition. Federal regulators removed a major speedbump on the road to a clean energy future March 18 when FERC clarified that its landmark Order 2222 granted demand response (DR, aka flexible load) unimpeded access to wholesale electricity markets when part of a heterogeneous distributed energy resource (DER) aggregation. FERC Order 2222-A, however, unleashes the power of demand response, hitting the fast forward button on our nation’s journey toward the clean energy transition. Bitcoin mining can be a 'bridge' to a renewable energy future by supporting green projects, a leading North American miner says. Bitcoin can be at the heart of the transition towards renewable energy, Foundry boss Mike Colyer said. He said bitcoin mining can help renewable projects manage oversupply and support more investment. Many remain unconvinced, with Bank of America attacking bitcoin's energy use this week.