Top Reads of September
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Top Reads of September

Utilities aren't rewarded for saving money. FERC now has a chance to fix this - this is an excellent piece from industry experts Jigar Shah and Rob Gramlich that points out “….Together these technologies would unlock 500 GW in clean energy projects that are currently stuck in transmission queues…” The State of US Infrastructure Amid an economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, debate continues over how to improve the nation’s infrastructure, as analysts say U.S. transportation, water, and other systems face major shortfalls. NREL’s solar cost projections plummet in new forecast - The lower projected costs for PV could help guide some utilities to plan for more PV capacity, as the utilities develop their long-term resource plans. WSJ: The New Geopolitics of Energy - Power is shifting from longtime oil giants like Russia and Saudi Arabia to innovators like China—and maybe the U.S. Guardian: Five Ways to Make the Climate Movement Less White - As part of the Guardian’s first-time voter takeover, we spoke to activists on how to build a more inclusive environmental movement. American Lung Association: Electric Vehicle Report, The Road to Clean Air - The transportation sector is a leading contributor to both climate change and air pollution. With nearly half of Americans living with unhealthy air, and climate change making it harder to protect public health today, "The Road to Clean Air" report highlights the potential for major public health and climate change benefits through a robust nationwide transition to electric vehicles.Redefining Corporate Renewables Procurement Strategy: Simplified, Effective and Accessible - Even with declining renewable generation cost and increased pressure from shareholders to demonstrate sustainability progress, many organizations continue to struggle to execute on their sustainability strategies. This is primarily due to the inherent complexities and risks associated with the most prominent wholesale renewable energy products: Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) and Virtual Power Purchase Agreement (VPPAs). Early adopters of these renewable vehicles have been exposed to significant commodity risks, had to decipher complex wholesale energy contracts with strict commercials terms, and faced accounting issues that can be prohibitive for companies to adopt. The market has since matured, and energy companies are moving to provide customers of all sizes access to innovative and simplified renewable energy solutions that help them attain their sustainability goals.ESG and Corporate Climate Action - This report from Majority Action highlights that there is still so much to be done in ESG investing. Deloitte: 2020 Renewable Energy Industry Outlook: A midyear update - As we began 2020, the renewable energy industry was just preparing to enter a new phase of growth driven largely by increasing customer demand, cost competitiveness, innovation, and collaboration. But within a few months, the COVID-19 pandemic caused major disruption across the sector. What short-term challenges lie ahead for the industry in the aftermath of COVID-19? And what trajectory is projected for the long-term? Our midyear 2020 renewable energy industry outlook explores major trends impacting the renewable energy industry and what it means for the companies in the industry. INC: All Highly Intelligent People Share This Trait, According to Steve Jobs - School smart and real-world smart are, as we all know, not the same thing. It's perfectly possible to ace every test in college and struggle in life after you graduate. So if academic grades aren't enough to prove a person is smart, how do the world's most successful people spot the truly, practically intelligent? Jeff Bezos looks for the ability to change your mind frequently. Elon Musk is all about examining skills over credentials. Steve Jobs, however, took another approach. The legendary Apple co-founder laid out how he defines real intelligence in a talk to the Academy of Achievement way back in 1982 (hat tip to Alan Trapulionis). According to Jobs, the key to being truly smart isn't deep expertise in one field, but instead the ability to make unexpected connections between fields.