Top Resources From April
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Top Resources From April

Columbia Energy Exchange: Diversity in the Energy Industry - The importance of diversity in energy finance is gaining attention as more investors look closer at how companies are stacking up when it comes to the representation of women and minorities on their boards of directors and in their management ranks. Energy Transition Show: Investing in the Energy Transition - No hyperbole, this is one of the most informative podcasts I have ever listened to. We have a very special guest for you in this episode: Jeremy Grantham, the legendary investor who co-founded GMO, a Boston-based institutional money management firm, more than 40 years ago. With more than $60 billion in assets under management, GMO has produced steady returns for its investors through market booms and busts, largely thanks to the steady hand of Grantham and his investing philosophy, which holds that sooner or later, most valuations return to the mean. NRF Currents: Building a Clean Energy Economy - Danny Kennedy, an early pioneer in the residential solar rooftop sector and now CEO of New Energy Nexus, a non-profit that connects entrepreneurs to capital to build clean energy projects, joins us to discuss ideas behind building a clean energy economy. Climate Finance Leadership Initiative: Unlocking Private Climate Finance in Emerging Markets - In the recovery from COVID-19, private investors and developers see a powerful opportunity to accelerate investment in the transition to low-carbon economies in emerging markets. Public and private sector engagement, creating investment-friendly business environments, and building pipelines of bankable sustainable infrastructure opportunities are all important to realize this promise and mobilize private finance. Williams Mullen: Overview of Virginia's Energy Storage Regulations - Brad Nowak and Bob Riley, co-chairs of Williams Mullen’s Renewable Energy Practice, discuss the background of the energy storage provisions in the Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA) and definitions of various energy and energy storage terms. This program covers an overview of energy storage regulations, including the minimum interim targets for energy storage deployment by Appalachian Power (APCo) and Virginia Electric and Power Company (Dominion), the licensing of energy storage aggregators, and the application process for permitting of non-utility energy storage facilities. Finally, this program explains that the Permit by Rule (PBR) process has been expanded by HB 2148 (effective January 1, 2022) to include energy storage facilities, and how this expansion will affect the battery storage development industry. Followed by questions and answers. WRI: Electrifying the US School Bus Fleet: How to Put Children First in the Zero-emission Transition - as schools reopen and children return to in-person classrooms, many kids will spend part of every day in a toxic environment that causes harm to young lungs and minds: diesel-powered school buses. Nearly all of the approximately 480,000 iconic big yellow buses in the United States are exclusively fueled by diesel and produce diesel exhaust, a known carcinogen.