Clean Energy Shines Without Federal Support
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Clean Energy Shines Without Federal Support

Broad Coalition Petitions FERC - As U.S. policy makers look for cost-effective ways to tackle climate change, a diverse coalition of power generators, trade associations, and think tank experts this week asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to examine the policy options and implications of carbon pricing policies in competitive wholesale electricity markets.Stimulus Omits Renewable Sector Aid - Relief for the renewable energy sector was not included in the $2 trillion support package the Senate unanimously passed on Wednesday. Despite a push from Democratic Senators and clean energy leaders to include tax credit extensions and other provisions in the package, Senate leadership chose instead to focus on healthcare and broader economic aid.Progress Made, but Questions Remain with PJM MOPR - PJM Interconnection on Wednesday issued a compliance filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that largely satisfied some of the biggest critics of the regulatory body's controversial Minimum Offer Price Rule (MOPR) order. FERC's December order attempted to effectively raise the floor prices for state subsidized resources bidding into the wholesale market, eliciting concerns that the new rules could effectively nullify state policies attempting to increase deployment of new zero-emissions resources. But, a lot of love from the national press:WSJ - Wind, Solar Farms Are Seen as Havens in Coronavirus StormNYT - Oil Companies Are Collapsing, but Wind and Solar Energy Keep Growing