MEI and Partner NextGrid Help Students Cool Off at End of Year Party
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MEI and Partner NextGrid Help Students Cool Off at End of Year Party

Norton, MA [June 25, 2021] - Construction for MEI’s 1.84MW project in Norton MA coincided with the Covid-shortened 2021 school year at the adjacent Norse Elementary School. Massachusetts emergency COVID rules that dictated classrooms kept windows open at all times, and as a result, the students and faculty were subject to some of the noise that accompanies the installation of renewable energy facilities. The students and staff were very gracious in dealing with the added noise throughout the construction process. As a thank you, MEI and most notably, our partner NextGrid Inc., provided the school with an end-of-year ice cream party which was well received by the faculty and students. The children will certainly leave the 2020-2021 school year with a good taste in their mouth. MEI and NextGrid are looking forward to future educational opportunities with Norse Elementary to assist in teaching their students the science and technology of renewable energy and its value to our earth.