MEI Hits the Virtual Conference Circuit
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MEI Hits the Virtual Conference Circuit

This past month, Gerard spoke on another Clean Energy Leadership Institute (CELI) event discussing project finance case studies with other leaders in the industry.

Rich spoke at the virtual Infocast Solar Finance and Investment Summit on the Texas market. And while Rich and the team still enjoyed Infocast from afar, it is certainly preferable to follow up one of those speaking panels with a cold beer on the patio at the La Costa resort. Let’s hope that happens next year!The panel was informative and discussed the significant opportunity in Texas in the areas of battery storage and C&I/distributed solar. While Texas has been a leader in utility scale, the regulatory framework and policy does a poor job valuing distributed generation. MEI is developing and building some assets in Texas for the first time, and we hope that is a sign of things to come. And what panel about Texas would be complete without someone rockin’ a cowboy hat?