State Market Update - August
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State Market Update - August

New Hampshire Governor Signs Clean Energy Bills - Gov. Chris Sununu joined New Hampshire lawmakers and advocates to sign H.B.315, which focuses on the aggregation of electric customers and municipal host customer generators serving political subdivisions. Also, the newly signed S.B.91 adopts omnibus legislation on renewable energy and utilities. The legislation gives additional leverage to municipalities to be more in charge of producing renewable energy.
California Energy Commission mandates solar + storage on new commercial buildings - The California Energy Commission (CEC) today approved the 2022 California Energy Code, which sets the building standards for new construction. In a historic unanimous vote, California became the first state in the country to require builders to install solar and battery storage on new commercial buildings and high-rise multifamily buildings. The approved Energy Code also includes requirements for builders to design single-family homes so battery storage can be easily added to the already existing solar system in the future as well as incentives to eliminate natural gas from new buildings. The commission’s 2018 building code update set in place rooftop or community solar requirements for single-family homes.
Solar Power Booms in Georgia, Where It Isn’t Mandated - Georgia has no mandates requiring power companies to add renewable energy and hasn’t made climate change a political priority. Solar power is booming there anyway. The state went from having virtually no solar industry a decade ago to ranking ninth nationwide in installed solar capacity this year, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association. Solar has flourished in Georgia as tech companies such as Facebook Inc. FB 0.26% look to locate facilities near cheap renewable-energy sources and rural communities turn to solar farms to create tax revenues and jobs.
Pennsylvania House committee holds hearing on enabling community solar in the state - With legislators set to return to the capitol in just a few short weeks, the House Consumer Affairs Committee held a hearing yesterday featuring testimony in favor of enabling community solar projects in Pennsylvania. The PA Community Solar Economic Alliance lauded the committee’s attention to HB 1555, highlighting the bill’s ability to generate a $1.8 billion stimulus for the commonwealth’s economy and provide financial relief for farmers, landowners and consumers.
Solar decommissioning rules are coming to Texas - Starting September 1, solar companies operating in Texas will need to comply with decommissioning requirements similar to those imposed on wind companies during the 2019 legislative session. Senate Bill 760 requires solar power facility agreements to provide that the owner or “assignee” is responsible for removing its facilities from the landowner’s property. The bill cleared both the state’s House and Senate with near-unanimous support. It was signed by Gov. Greg Abbott on June 14.
Illinois Senate passes omnibus energy bill that could make the state a renewable energy leader - SB 18 would make Illinois a national leader in reducing carbon emissions through renewable, reliable and affordable energy suppliers, as well as training programs for thousands of well-paying jobs. Creating programs to set Illinois on an aggressive path to fully renewable energy generation by 2050, these investments in renewable energy are the largest in the history of Illinois.
Maryland Public Service Commission Unanimously Approves Expansion of Community Solar Program Capacity - During two hearings in late August, the Maryland Public Service Commission unanimously voted to expand the capacity of the state’s community solar program as well as improve access for low and moderate income (LMI) customer participation in the state’s Community Solar Pilot Program. The Commission’s updates will allow community solar to power the equivalent of an additional 6,840 Maryland homes, annually.