The Village of Minster Adds Solar Panels
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The Village of Minster Adds Solar Panels

MEI is proud to be the owner of a 6.6 MW solar project with the Village of Minster in Ohio. Here is a link to the full article in the Sidney Daily News. On Friday, Minster village officials and representatives of Eitri held a symbolic solar panel signing to emphasize the benefits their new 4.5 mega-watt solar field in the village industrial park. This new field is alongside a similarly sized solar field built a few years ago.Village Administrator Don Harrod said the cooperative effort between the village and solar energy company Eitri allows the village to obtain cheaper electrical rates.“Since the electricity is created on site, the village does not have to pay for transmission charges from a distant electrical plant,” he said. “As a result, we save over $200,000 per year in electrical charges from our original solar field.”He said he fully expected to see similar savings with the new solar field.“Once the second phase is complete, solar energy will be 25% of our electric source portfolio,” Harrod said.The new solar field is expected to be in operation by January 2021.The project will cost the village only the use of industrial park land. The cost of building the $8 million project was covered by solar company Eitri Foundry and its investor, Madison Energy Investments.Eitri spokesperson Lian Niu said his company builds new solar fields by bringing together smaller entities like Minster with larger companies that want to invest in the IRS federal energy tax credits while selling renewable energy.