Virginia Gov. Northam orders 100% carbon-free power by 2050
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Virginia Gov. Northam orders 100% carbon-free power by 2050
From Utility Dive: Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, D, on Tuesday signed an executive order calling for the state to reach 100% carbon-free power by 2050 and 30% renewables by 2030.The order directs regulators to establish a path to a carbon-free electric sector through solar, wind, energy efficiency and energy storage supplied by Dominion, the state's monopoly utility. It also directs regulators to reduce Virginia's electricity consumption 10% below 2006 levels, and for state agencies to get 30% of their electricity from Dominion-powered renewables by 2022.The state currently generates 6.8% of its electricity from renewables, which includes burning biomass under Virginia law, and the majority of its carbon-free power comes from nuclear, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.This news is welcomed by all in the solar industry, especially those that have been lobbying for Dominion to allow third party providers to offer 100% renewable energy. According to the Virginia Mercury, there appears to be, at minimum, a window of time where providers can offer the 100% renewable energy product to customers in Virginia! Elsewhere in Virginia the Washington Post reported that Dominion has “filed a plan with the state to spend $594 million over the next three years modernizing Virginia’s electrical grid, which it says would cost customers an average of a little more than $1 per month.” Link